Navigating the Intersection of Leadership, Decision making and Digital Skills

Laila Faridoon

CEO & Founder

Look Forward consultancy

Miss Laila Faridoon is a thought leader, public speaker and author. Laila is the CEO and
founder of Looking Forward Consultancy specialized in digital and business transformation
services; with her current role, Laila advises corporates/boards in their transformation journeys
with her strong mix of business and technology skills.

She has 20 years of deep experience in technology, project, and corporate management, she
started her career in 2000 as a data analyst, next became IT PMO manager in 2007 and then
moved to a higher position, Executive Director of Chairman Office -RTA Dubai for the
following 13 years. She has played the role of a digital advisor to the chairman and the board,
led many digital projects and major initiatives on the government level such as Dubai World
Challenge for Self-driving Transport.

Laila received a BSc in Computer Science with first class honors from Ajman University, and
then graduated with distinction from the University of Sharjah with an MSc in Computer
science. Her passion for technology and its role in advancing humanity caused her to pursue
her PhD currently in the field of Big Data Analytics in King’s College London. She is an active
researcher and public speaker in the field of digital transformation, she has authored many
papers and chapters in different books and given many talks globally.

She is passionate about challenging the status quo, leveraging science and technology for the
good of the humanity. In addition of being a big advocate for Women in STEM through her
different roles and endeavors.

She has been selected among the top 30 women leaders to look out to in 2023 by the NYC
Journal and has been chosen as an ambassador of a goodwill in 2019 by the League of Arab

Ms. Faridoon has extensive experience in boards management, she served in many regional
and international boards with different roles: PMI UAE Chapter (President), Dubai
International Project Management Forum (President), Hamdan Award for innovation in Project
Management (General Secretary), RTA board of directors (General Secretary), UITP Centre
of excellence (Board member) and Dubai Quality Group (board member).

She has authored a book “Looking Forward To the Bright Side” that is based on her own
journey in life and gives you a guide on how to transform your life to the one that you want.
Ms. Faridoon has received several awards, the latest being the Middle East Woman Leader in
Corporate Management Excellence.